Mount Kailash, Tibet
Mount Kailash is a holy mountain to more than just one religion. Asia is full of legends about a great mountain, which has four faces (Peacock, Elephant, Lion, and Horse), each composed of a different material (gold, crystal, ruby, and lapis lazuli), and from the mouth of each face flows a great river. Mount Kailash is believed to be it. It is an amazing mountain, almost pyramid shaped with four faces, and four great rivers of the Indian sub-continent flow from its area: Karnali (which feeds the Ganges), Indus, Sutlej, and Brahmapurta.
There are many sites in the region associated with Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), the practice of tantra in the holy sites in Tibet eventually credited with establishing Buddhism as the country’s major religion in the 7th century CE-8.
It is said that Milarepa (c. 1052-c 1135 AD.), Champion Tantric Buddhism, arrived in Tibet to challenge Naro Bon-chung, winner of the Bon religion of Tibet.
in BonBon, the religion that preceded Buddhism in Tibet, maintain that the mystical region and the entire nine-story Swastika Mountain is the seat of all spiritual powers.
Majestic Himalayan figure prominently not only in India but the topography in the history and mythology as well. Youngest mountains in the world, but the strongest, the Himalayas are many things to many people. Mount Kailash is believed to have formed 30 million years ago. Then the Himalayas in the early stages of formation. This is one of the most honorable places in the Himalayas.
Spread over the Tibetan plateau beside Mount Kailash is the giant lake color shift – Lake Mansarovar. Brahma, the creator, has a mind (‘Man’) to create the name of the lake (‘Sarovar’), then his. A pilgrimage to Mount Kailash and a bath in the Mansarovar is believed to bring about salvation.